Striving for Five Star Service (Video-VHS or DVD)
Striving for Five Star Service
In this entertaining video, the Customer Service Players demonstrate through a series of vignettes how to (and how not to) deliver five star service. Learn how to:
- Maintain a positive attitude while responding to a guest complaint, in But That’s Not in the Brochure!
- Be an effective service provider to internal customers, in Xtra, Xtra, Hear All About It!
- Avoid overusing your behavioral strengths, in Throwing in the Towel!
- Implement five key behaviors essential to every guest contact (P.S. Kids are guests too), in You Gotta Be Kidding Me!
- Convey the positive (“Here’s what we can do”), in Barking Up the Wrong Policy!
- Successfully deal with unhappy guest, in Here Comes the Gloom!
- Identify and forever eliminate “Forbidden Phrases”
29 minutes. Includes coach's guide. Participant workbooks sold